Thursday, August 31, 2006

Secret Agent Man Raids the Raiders

Before the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, this country's best and brightest were sent on covert missions deep into enemy territory. Knowing that Texas Tech officials were guarding their poster schedule like Stasi, the old secret police of East Germany, only one person was capable of penetrating the elaborate and unprecedented security measures to get the goods. We are happy to report that reader Greg successfully completed his mission and is now resting comfortably at a secret location, awaiting his next assignment. So the question before you is this: was it worth it? We will let the viewing public be the judge on this one. ... The list: Miami, Memphis, Arizona, North Carolina State, Oregon, Wyoming, Nevada, Kentucky, Clemson, Fresno State, Rice, Alabama, Oklahoma, Toledo, Vanderbilt-Tennessee, Washington State-Washington, Brigham Young-West Virginia-Northern Illinois, Oklahoma State, Northwestern, Louisiana State, UCLA, Ohio State, Mississippi State, Auburn, South Carolina, Arkansas, Florida State, Florida, Iowa State and USC. We have several poster images backed up and ready to go, but fear not because we will get to them all. In the meantime, keep them coming! The address: dawizofodds (at)

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to a bunch of Nerds to make their poster look like an Xbox game.

    BTW, you think Underarmour slipped TT a $20 to put that slogan down?


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