Unfortunately, the Blogger template does not allow us to properly display Auburn's 2006 poster schedule, but that might not be such a bad thing. Outside of the unusual shape, which sets it apart, we simply are not enamored with much of anything here. It's as if coach Tommy Tuberville, the man in the middle, didn't want to single out four or five players to be featured and decided to have shots of 22 players instead. The 2005 schedule, which
you can view here, is more to our liking. We would like to thank
NixforSix for sending this along, and if you want your team's 2006 poster scheduled featured, send an image or link to dawizofodds (at) aol.com. Here are hotlinks to the poster schedules that have been featured:
South Carolina,
Florida State,
Iowa State and
It reminds me of this Bo Jackson poster
The link that is here for the 2005 schedule is actually the back of the media guide from last year. The poster also had all returning seniors like the one from this year and this is how Coach Tuberville has always wanted it.
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