One problem: Crewcut Charlie Weis wouldn't release Jones from his scholarship. Some control thing about the kid not talking with the coach first.
After an avalanche of negative publicity, Crewcut finally gave in and said Jones could transfer, but not to Northern Illinois. Some control thing about a list of banned schools that included Northern Illinois.
Jones finally landed at Cincinnati and although the quarterback says he has nothing against Crewcut, it's clear to Jones that the big guy never intended for him to be the starter.
"I'm not stupid," Jones told the Cincinnati Enquirer. "I've never seen a quarterback lose a position in a quarter. It doesn't take me much to read between the lines to see that that was [Jimmy Clausen's] position even before he came there and I was just in an unfortunate situation."
"As a man, I'm able to look clear-cut at that. That was basically the plan, for that to be his position."
Jones told the paper that the only reason he started against Georgia Tech was to protect Clausen.
"You've got to look at Georgia Tech and their defense," he said. "Who wants to put a freshman out there against a whole bunch of guys from the South who are going to be running around blitzing? That's why he didn't send him into the game until the third group was out there."
Weis is such a big fat liar. Why would any athlete trust this guy...and why would the student's parent even trust this guy either. ND made a big fat mistake with Weis. Please make it stop!
GT fan here who came to this blog via a link at GTsports.blogspot.com.
I read Jones's comments earlier today about "guys from the South" and wondered what he might have meant by that? I have my own thoughts, of course, but not being from the Midwest, I can't be sure that I'm on the right track. I certainly don't think he meant anything derogatory by it, but could Jones have possibly been referring to some perception of college football players from the South being particularly A.) aggressive, B.) skilled, C.) frothing at the mouth/rabid, or some combination of one or more?
The Crewcut nickname isn't catching on, so you might as well stop.
Interesting that you left out this quote by Jones on Weis.
"We're still cool," Jones said Tuesday on the first day of spring practice at the University of Cincinnati. "It's just a business. I don't take it personal. I never bash him. He's still a great coach and he's still a great person.
The "Wizzard" has always had it out for C-DUB! He has great site but always has shown bias in many ways.
Just like when he failed to mention about the graduation rate that was established under WEIS. He wanted to give the credit to Ty!
I guess he like many see him a a threat and will do anything to bash him!
Hopefully things will work out for Demetrius at Cincinnati. The unfortunate thing is that had he not bailed out so quickly at ND he may have been able to get a second chance later in the year. It is hard to believe that Coach Weis threw him to the wolves with no intention to win the GT game. I think Weis is going to play the QB who gives him the best chance to win, just like the NFL. I think he would have preferred to redshirt Clausen had he a viable alternative. I don't think he is any different than Pete Carroll or any other coach in college looking for a national championship
Somehow the high graduation rate is nothing to really brag about when your team is one of the worst ever. Moreover, it is almost impossible for an ND football player to NOT graduate since ND makes it such a priority to cater to the football players with most taking easy courses and advisors and tutors to do everything for you including wiping your butt. It makes it absurd to read too much into the graduation rate when in fact it has nothing to do with your in class performance or intelligence anymore at ND. It is academic fraud in my opinion and a farce. I know for a fact that ND football players have been given shocking special treatment including getting copies of exams ahead of time. The whole thing is hypocrisy now at ND as it tries to craft some wholesome image of itself on TV... it ain't so...
Those last comments are not even worth dignifying. To make a posting about academic "fraud" at Notre Dame "anonymously" to me is an act of cowardice. If you have proof identify yourself to give it credibility or simply admit you are jealous of the institution and what it stands fo (by the way, I am not a Notre Dame fan myself).
settle down everyone. just remember, college football is not as important as you make it out to be. turn off your tv's sometime and realize that there are more important things available. or you could post the pictures of the tattoo you have of your favorite team of a school you never went to...
sports are entertaining, but to tie so much emotion into a game played by 18-23 year olds is pretty petty.
Let me correct your idiotic mistakes with the obvious facts that you chose to ignore in this article:
1) Jones has "never seen a quarterback lose a position in a quarter".
What happened to Evan Sharpley in THE SAME EXACT GAME? He too was pulled after poor play of less than 2 quarters. I guess he stopped watching after he got the hook. You also failed to mention that he also had 2 awful fumbles that led to quick scores by Tech.
2) Weis DID RELEASE Jones from his scholie.
The holdup wasn't so he couldn't go to mighty Northern Illinois. It was because Jones wouldn't meet with Weis and talk to him like a man. If Weis wouldn't release him for N. Illinois, why would he release him for Cincinnati? Probably a better program that we have a higher chance of playing in some bowl in the future.
3) You failed to mention why Weis may have been upset with Jones.
He went through a week of Michigan game prep and then didn't show up for the bus ride to Ann Arbor. That left ND with a huge hole at QB, and as it turns out, Jones would have played at Michigan.
Represent the whole truth when you try to slander a program. Intelligent people can make up their own minds. Please note that I am the only person with the guts not post anonymously!
Crewcut might not be catching on, but you should try frontbutt, because Charlie Weis has the biggest front butt known to mankind.....
The reason Weis wouldn't let him go to N. Illinois is becuase they are on the schedule to play Notre Dame in upcoming years. This is pretty standard for schools allowing players to transfer, just like other schools won't let players transfer to other schools within a conference they play in. Weis and Notre Dame even offered to help him find another school. Get your facts right.
"Guys from the South" ..what he means is that they get fired up playing a team like ND, who usually has a way better season. You saw what the underdog mentality did to the Pats this year.
"Those last comments are not even worth dignifying. To make a posting about academic "fraud" at Notre Dame "anonymously" to me is an act of cowardice. If you have proof identify yourself to give it credibility or simply admit you are jealous of the institution and what it stands fo (by the way, I am not a Notre Dame fan myself)."
I am an ND Alum and saw it first hand. One example was in first level accounting class... I had heard that football players had gotten advance copies of the tests but didn't really believe it until I saw one myself.....and NO, it wasn't from a past year, it was properly dated and was the EXACT same test that we ended up taking. Moreover, some prof's gave football players old tests to study (just so happens that at least 50% of the questions were the same) but didn't give those out to the rest of us. How can you fail will help like this....plus tutors for anything. Many players pop ritalin, etc (without a prescription I might add). I've seen it. The underage drinking, drugs! (a LOT of ganja), lingerie parties with the private rooms upstairs to get a quick BJ of f*ck, group encounters. These players are living like little thugs before they have even made really made. Plus, how can these guys be driving the expensive SUV's....gotta have the big black SUV to roll in I suppose. What I don't like is the hypocrisy. All a reporter needs to do is shadow some of these players and they will uncover a lot. Oh, did I mention that many live off-campus but keep the paid for dorm room for appearances? That has been going on for a long time. I guess when you are a poor inner city kid, you need at least TWO places to live in South Bend. And of course there is the cash payments from alums....yep, seen that too. It's the hypocrisy stupid.
No, I think that is a called a mangina, not a front butt. Either works I suppose...
I could also give concrete details about ND NCAA violations and coverups by top officials in ND admin and the ND athletic department. No joke. These guys are dirty. Unlike Kevin White, I'll tell all now.
I also understand the Weis medical condition is called a "gunt"...
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