"Joe Paterno's on his death bed! And someone needs to find him a casket!" the unidentified yell leader screamed over a microphone, first to gasps and then thunderous boos from the Penn State fans.
According to David Jones of the Patriot-News, the yell leader had been "telling a lengthy and convoluted fantasy story that was falling flat. Finally, PSU fans began booing and chanting 'We are!...' At that point, the flustered yell leader fired back with his insult."
The man and other yell leaders then left the stage and Penn State cheerleaders replaced them. A male Nittany Lion cheerleader took the mike and remarked, "I'm not sure what just happened here."
Thanks to Kevin of We Are Penn State.
Update: KSAT has video of the incident.
Wow, way to step up for Asshole of the Year in the final days of '07. Why hasn't this guy been identified? Would they have kept a football played unidentified if they did the same thing?
Stay classy College Station
let look at the source..."we are penn st"
lets get this from another perspective.
The guy is a walking corpse! Why the outrage? It's all in fun and who really cares if a college student is tacky and tasteless! This is college football and most fans are tacky and tasteless....
boz said...
let look at the source..."we are penn st"
lets get this from another perspective.
umm... the video is pretty clear. That guy is a serious douche
the video was not there earlier when I posted what i posted. If you notice it says "UPDATE" by it.
Still don't see the harm in what he said. If Paterno wants to stay and try to become the winningest coach in ncaa div 1 football, then he and you need to know it will come with some negative remarks.
like Booby Bowden, Paterno is holding his school captive while he selfishly goes for his own goal.
Any negative remarks should be directed to his coaching ability which is still at a competitive level. The remark in question was personal and has no place in such a discussion.
That video is what The Village People must have looked like before they dressed as a cop, biker, cowboy, etc.
let look at the source..."we are penn st"
lets get this from another perspective.
How about the perspective of TAMU, which issued apologies to JoePa and Nittany Nation?
Still don't see the harm in what he said.
You're pure class.
I like the KSAT video... I've never seen a cheerleader bomb so horribly during a pep rally. And what the hell is that pose he's doing by grabbing his arm and hiking up his leg? What an idiot.
Video with a closer view here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGtoaa9UKcs
we are penn st...
u make me laugh. of course they are going to apologize. if thye were me, no affiliation, they would be saying the same as me.
unlike me, aTm is very public and they thought they needed to look good on this. all this does is make them look worse IMO. but thats what the country has relegated itself to these days. tucking tail and back tracking!
and for what? a MFer who can't see and has damn near run over a couple of people, in their car, on campus a few short months ago.
and to the guy who said Paterno could still coach, yea you're right if your comparing him to Booby Bowden. has beens. lets move on.
all i know is eddie sutton has joined Bowdens and Paternos elite fraternity of attempting to put themselves in the record books after they would have already been in it to begin with. classless and like I said earlier in a post, hijacking their respective schools from getting better and into this millenium.
I'm a new Aggie and even I want us to lose now. I'm a grad student. I came for the program, not the university. The Yell leaders have annoyed me since the first and only yell practice I attended at the beginning of the season. I don't even like calling myself an Aggie right now.
Snead, that's some weird tic they have. I still haven't figured it out.
still classy,
there is no way in hell you are an Aggue and would say that stuff.
I'm calling shananigans on you pal. i have no way to prove it, but you're full of sh%t.
just watched the video courtesy of youtube.
in no way was this guy "bombing" as someone here suggested. also, his fellow yellers are laughing with him. i guess they should have been sent home too.
there was nothing wrong with what he said. just some college kids having fun. I guess the "no fun league" has reached the collegiate level.
If course Psu people aren't looking at the fact that they were the ones who showed up at out yell practice and started heckling in the first place. Talk about classy? What about the guys in the big styrofoam texas hats making fun of our state. If I was as tacky, I would have worn a big amish styrofoam head and danced around like an idiot. Know what ethnocentric means? Go look it up, obnoxious northerners, if you can push your self away from the brewskis and brats.
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