Now that USC has finally lost a game, rival UCLA fans are letting the Trojans have it. The good folks at
Bruin Zone have posted a photo of a USC Song Girl celebrating a Texas touchdown in last week's Rose Bowl while getting an annoying stare from two of her colleagues. A few USC fans have
snuck into the forum and the sides are now engaged in battle. The Wiz, watching from his seat on the 50, is very entertained. ... And just a reminder to check out the rest of
our humble blog.
This thing has been doctored. There were no short yardage Texas touchdowns in the Rose Bowl.
Yes, they did. Vince Young run.
It was actually a 2-point conversion.
Her name is Natalie Nelson.
It helps when your mother is the coach!
It's OK. You can hate USC all you want. It is easy to hate a team with all those National championships, Heisman Trophies, and that Bowl record. Go ahead, hate all you want. The University of Spoiled Children laughs all the way to the bank!
Who said we were done? Aside from losing a couple great players and with having more than half the team being freshmens. I think we're doing a hell of a job this year. Just wait for this Saturday's game. We'll kill you guys just like we did last year. And the picture of Natalie is a fake. The only reason why Texas won the game was because the refs got the wrong feed. Everyone saw it on TV. fUCLA!!
Fight on!
What a stupid blonde. An insult to the Trojan Family. Apparently when your Mom is the coach you can be this vapid.
Trojan fans are just jealous because they lost, and Texas fans are just jealous that they don't have cheerleaders that are that hot.
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