The South Carolina coach charged that someone working for a Clemson fan site has been mailing recruits and sending them articles about Gamecock players having brushes with the law. Spurrier didn't name the site, but publishers of Rivals' Tiger Illustrated and Scout's CU Tigers denied the allegation.
Seven of Spurrier's players have been arrested or cited since Dec. 31, but charges have been dropped in three of the cases, including a marijuana possession charge against receiver Dion LeCorn. That charge was dropped Monday and Spurrier made note of it in his statement.
"Usually when a guy’s arrested for whatever, that always makes the headlines," Spurrier said. "And the guy that runs the Clemson website, he likes to send those articles to recruits all over the state. So I just wondered if he sends the articles about all charges dropped. So you guys that know that dude over there, tell him he can add that one today hopefully when he sends them out."
In April, Illinois' Ron Zook took a shot at Rivals and Scout, saying the sites are likely to be at the heart of the next major scandal.
"Some programs have secretly allied themselves with the websites that report on their school as another way to communicate with recruits," Zook said. "In return, the websites get better information, more traffic and make more money."
That drew a harsh response from Bobby Burton of Rivals, who wrote that the Zooker was out of line.
Steve Spurrier "playing" the victim here instead of saying something like, "its a free country to do send whatever you want to as long as it is not against the law. It's my job (and the players too) to keep all these kids in-line. thats what I promised all their moms."
and no. i'm not a die hard ClemPson fan.
The South Carolina coach charged that someone working for a Clemson fan site has been mailing recruits and sending them articles about Gamecock players having brushes with the law.
"Brushes with the law"? Can this be right? To hear ESPN tell it, only Penn State players get arrested!
It was more than likely a Buffalo, Akron, or ECU website guy sending the information. that's who stevie has been competing with in recruiting.
but ECU is the ONLY team of the three he would compete with!
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