Saturday, July 19, 2008

Louisiana Tech

Louisiana Tech of the Western Athletic Conference has a rather striking poster, sent to us by Malcolm. Let's get to the reviews.


"Another retro approach, but at least it is a consistent look. While the layout is OK, the colors are overwhelming. I felt like I needed to put on sunglasses to look at this one. The green is really, well, green and overpowers everything else. The typeface is a little too strong as well. I felt like the poster was yelling at me. I did like the old-school photos and the way they layered over each other. Finally, is there a need to have your logo that big?

"Can schools please stop having their English department write copy for posters? The "Bark is Back" but what about the bite? Isn't that the important point? And "The Bark of a New Generation." Pepsi called, they will be suing for copyright infringement."

Mike from S.F.:

"Geographically, it seems that La Tech is a better fit for the Sun Belt, or Conference USA, and apparently the Bulldogs' design team agrees, as they have taken a cue from Texas El Paso and prominently featured a kicker (punter Chris Keagle) — not a good sign. What is a good sign are the six sponsors at the bottom (seven if you include the prominent Nike logo on the football). In general, though, it is a basic, classic poster, consistent with La Tech's basic, classic uniform design.

"The season kicks off with a home game against Mississippi State, the first match-up since 1996 and the first visit from Southeastern Conference team since, well, at least the 1970s (I got tired of looking). The Bulldogs will know their place in the WAC hierarchy quickly with conference games at Boise State (Oct. 1) and at Hawaii (Oct. 11). If they can sneak a few road wins, they could be in the hunt for a bowl."

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