Maria Matzer Rose, Columbus Dispatch: Columbus-based Victoria's Secret is rolling out loungewear lines for 33 universities, including Michigan, but not Ohio State — at least not yet. The CEO of the parent company also serves on Ohio State's board of trustees, creating possible conflict-of-interest issues.
Marcus R. Fuller, St. Paul Pioneer Press: Quarterback Clint Brewster, son of Minnesota coach Tim Brewster, is transferring. Destination unknown.
Iowa City Press-Citizen: Excerpts from the affidavit used by University of Iowa police to get a warrant to search rooms in connection with a sex assault investigation. Thanks to Gary at Steroid Nation.
Jesse DeConto and Javier Serna, Raleigh News & Observer: Defensive lineman Jared McAdoo, a North Carolina recruit from Chapel Hill High, faces a criminal charge for allegedly selling the prescription painkiller Percocet at a graduation after-party intended to be free of alcohol and drugs.
Ron Higgins, Memphis Commercial Appeal: Liberty Bowl founder A.F. "Bud" Dudley died at the age of 88 after an extended illness.
Kyle Hightower and Iliana Limon, Orlando Sentinel: Central Florida president John Hitt says the school could have done a better job of handling the aftermath of player Ereck Plancher's death. Then he criticized the media's coverage of the incident.
Scott Wright, Oklahoman: Offensive lineman Britt Mitchell has left Oklahoma and enlisted with the U.S. Marine Corps.
Steven M. Sipple, Lincoln Journal Star: He has a confession to make: Don't follow the recruiting hype, especially his.
Eric Hansen, South Bend Tribune: Defensive lineman Pat Kuntz, who spent the spring semester at Ivy Tech, is back at Notre Dame.
Ron Kantowski, Las Vegas Sun: Five-year contracts might be considered the "industry standard," but it's a bad practice for Nevada Las Vegas. Example 1A: Football coach Mike "6-29" Sanford.
Jake Schaller, Colorado Springs Gazette: Starting Air Force Z-receiver Ty Paffett is scheduled to undergo surgery for a herniated disc, but he hopes to be ready for fall drills.
Jay Paterno, Obama '08: Yes, that's right. The son of the Penn State coach is a blogger. Thanks to Kevin of We Are Penn State.
Joe Ovies, 850 The Blog: The sports sections of the Raleigh News & Observer and the Charlotte Observer are merging.
Here is today's highly recommended rockin' mystery link. Thanks to Houston.
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