He writes: "Take that young girl apparently guzzling beer from a funnel device [beer bong] held by Leinart. ... What if she never made it home that night? What if she plowed through a red light after leaving the bash at Leinart's house, taking out a family in the process?
"Now take that picture of Leinart and four young girls cuddling in a hot tub. What if one of them woke up and decided to accuse Leinart of improper conduct? What of the headlines then?"
Wow. He's starting to sound like you, Wiz.
We enlightened folks around here know that the terrible experience had by the women in those pictures is exceeded only by the depravity of two basketball games in one day, right?
Tough life Matt. Tough life.
I'm not surprised the dip hasn't just dropped this life style and married his babie's momma.
Dude is probably a loser who never drink and got laid in college.
This is being so overblown...I know one of the girls and they said Matt is a really kind guy and just had a bunch of friends over the house...nothing bad happened and people like to try and bring down big stars whether they deserve it or not
^she's probably that fat ugly one in the background of the beer bong picture. No wonder nothing happened with her.......BEATCH IS BEEFY!!!!!
fat and ugly? I'd say far from either one. I bet you are a fat piece of shit yourself...I'd congratulate the girl on having a life, which I doubt you do
to the one saying this is overblown...
almost all of the girls are are being verified as underage on thedirty.com And are taking pictures of themselves with alcohol. Doesn't sound like nothing bad happened no matter how you spin it.
actually looks like only one is even shown doing anything wrong, and they can't prove anything...we all know it was alcohol, but there will be no charges because there is no proof...how do they even know that this was at his place? could it be possible that he met them somewhere else?
Leinart is still a kid who is growing up. Many of us did things like things at his. However, do we hold him to a higher standard becuase he's a pro athlete? If any of this effects his job performance or any of the off-season requirments of the Arizona football team, then it's an issue for the team to deal with.
That is a grown woman whom I'm sure has crouched under many a bong. To make a stink because it's Leinhart is ridiculous. As for the hot tub, he's lounging with some females, it's not a sex tape. And if he knocked every one of them off, not all girls "cry wolf". Should he be celibate and party free. Come on.
Let's see, Matt Leinart is: Young, good looking, rich, famous, and a starting quarterback in the National Footbal League.
I think he's exactly where he should be. In a hot tub with four hot women. As far as the beer bong photo, I did plenty of those in my twenties. Unfortunately, the hot girls were usually there with someone else ... Stop hating and admit you'd do the same if you had the chance. I know I would.
Vince Young.LOL I laugh everytime I think of how Vince ripped the beating heart out of Matt with his bare hands. Best college football game ever.....EVER.
Oh and Matt, join the list of all the other father of bastard children scattered throughout the US by NFL and NBA players...remember you are a star you dont have to be a daddy too, that would be too much work to accept responsibility, I mean seriously, all the parties AND take care of your real responsibilities...I mean come on its like they were paying you millions! You are only one man and right now those ladies need you more than your son! Your son wont even ask about you for at least 2 years....you have time to party it up! DONT RUIN THE NFL's IMAGE AND TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING A FATHER! DONT DO IT!
People really need to get a life. What young guy wouldn't do something like this. Good for Matt. I would do the same thing in his position. The people who are pissing and moaning are obviously jealous of the fact that some people can do things like this while they go home to their nagging pain in the ass wives or fat ass husbands.
If Leinart was a winning NFL QB nobody would say a thing.
Who does he think he is, Tom Brady?
i give him mad props. people need to stop hating, and i'm sure he takes care of his son. mind your own business haters
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