Tony Barnhart, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The easiest thing for Clemson to do would have been to keep McElrathbey on a scholarship. No fuss. No muss. No controversy. But it would not have been the best thing for the Clemson program as a whole. In the real world, people have to make tough decisions that are going to be unpopular. This is one of those.
John Kaltefleiter, Athens Banner-Herald: Tommy Bowden claims he's a God-fearing man, that his priorities are the good Lord, family and football in that order. But it seems even the most religious men are prone to devilish mistakes, and Bowden surely fits the bill this time around.
Gene Sapakoff, Charleston Post and Courier: It's possible the coaching staff is doing McElrathbey a favor by not saying why he no longer is wanted as a football player. It's definitely not a stretch to say a non-professional football prospect in charge of a young teen might be better off moving on to the college-degreed work force or graduate work without having to worry about a relatively frivolous pursuit.
Phil Taylor, SI.com: Cold-blooded? Heartless? You bet. Having one more scholarship to hand out isn't going to change Clemson's program in any significant way, but losing it certainly could change Ray Ray and Fahmarr's lives.
Ken Burger, Charleston Post and Courier: The McElrathbey boys will be fine. Ray Ray will earn his degree and Fahmarr has a healthy trust fund to help him along in life. The real loser is Clemson.
Brad Senkiw, Anderson Independent Mail: Clemson knew this was going to be a black eye regardless of how the media covered the story. So, why has it taken so long to get the facts right? It seems that Clemson was piecing together its own puzzle after the decision was made, not before.
Mark Hudgens, Real Football 365.com: If Bowden needed a scholarship, he should have booted linebacker Cortney Vincent, who has an unresolved DUI from December and now is suspended indefinitely because of a violation of team rules.
It doesnt fit with your party line but i guess clemson is under the schollie cap
Sure these guys are expendable and it is not fair. When the coaches sign them they promise the world. I have heard it said that Ray Ray has struggled academically and been late to team meetings, if that were so how did he graduate with honors in three years? How did he maintain the dicipline that it takes to raise his brother make the honor roll and stay out trouble in spite of the rate of failure of kids his age with a lot less responsibility? Why weren’t his parents notified if there was a problem he also has Guardian why weren’t they notified? This whole thing stinks if you ask me. I also hate when I hear that he got a free education. When you say free do you only mean monetarily or did you think of sacrafice and committment and the time that it takes to maintain a sports scholarship? And what about all of the free publicity that Clemson gained as a result his unfortunate family situation and the presence of mind that he used to help resolve it while still remaining loyal to Clemson as a team. I spoke to Ray Ray and he was very proud to be a Clemson Football player his family was also proud of the fact that he played for Clemson. Although this is tough for Ray, he is such a remarkable young man and he does not know the meaning of the word I can’t he will somehow turn this situation into a positive one, trust me this is not the last you’ll hear from him . I wonder if his family is still so proud of Clemson? Would you be?
Yea.. Well, Ray Ray doesn’t have to juggle athletics anymore and Bowden and company will still pay his way. It isn’t as bad of a deal as people think. You still have to earn your scholarship. Many athletes get scholarships taken from them. They wish they had it as good as Ray Ray. Clemson is picking up the tab for him unlike other athletes that are dropped. He is not owed a football scholarship just because all of that happened. They are showing plenty of compassion by offering to pay for his school even if he isn’t playing.
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