Crewcut's appearance at Cincinnati's Elder High — home of Fighting Irish tight end recruit Kyle Rudolph — was among the speeches in question. Notre Dame officials insist that no violation was committed, but Yahoo! quotes Steve Morgan, who used to oversee rules enforcement for the NCAA, as questioning the practice.
Tressel is scheduled to speak at a March 5 event involving Cincinnati's La Salle High, whose standout receiver, DeVier Posey, signed earlier this month with the Buckeyes.
Ohio State said Tressel's participation in the event at La Salle is not a violation, but will review the coach's role at previous fundraisers for possible violations because money raised at those events may have benefited prospect student-athletes.
THis is a common practice. UC Coach Brian Kelly is speaking tonight at Moeller High School in Cincinnati. I would bet that there are atleast 3 or 4 other area college coaches in attendence tonight (there usually is)>
Yeah but Lasalle announced the Tressel speaking engagment the same day Posey signed with O$U. Posey signed in the morning, the Tressel announcement was made later that afternoon? Coincidence? maybe but I doubt it.
all osu does is cheat. they are the biggest cheaters in all of collegiate sports.
anybody but osu fans will agree with me.
all osu you does is cheat? show me some facts on that
Do Biff and the SweaterVest cheat? Of course they do (Tressel's track record at YSU alone demonstrates that, and Weiss -long bragging about his Pats' rings, has to share in the culpability there).
But, really, this seems negligible, at best, to me: And I hate both of those douches and their programs
What? Notre Dame cheat? Oh please, the steroids in the off-season isn't really cheating is it? Of course the ND admin will hold firm that they can do no wrong.
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