"We're just trying to protect our brand," said Cindy Sears, N.C. State's director of trademark licensing.
"The logo is a retro look," said Kurt Esser, Nevada's associate athletic director of marketing. "We use it sometimes for student fan clubs and that's about it. I would imagine most universities use a retro logo that they bring back every once in a while."
You should get the original NCSU logo, the Stutting Wolf. Then you will see how it is almost a complete match on the logo. The logo you have up top is a newer one (which most of us State fans dislike).
Do you remember the Juan Gonzalez reverse negative baseball card? It'd be something like that. Same image, just flipped.
It's funny how all of a sudden NC State is worried about copyright. Nevada used this logo primarily in the 1980's, and only recently began using it on "throwback" apparell. Me thinks Nevada's back-to-back bowl appearances and promience in basketball have suddenly awakened State officials to a possible infringement case. I chalk it up to a publicity on the part of NCSU...
this is most definantly the NC State logo, that has been ripped off by Nevada. me thinks Nevada marketing was too unoriginal to develop their own mascot. if Lee Fowler had a pair, he wouldve slapped Nevada with a cease and decist order immediately.
mr wuf was an orignal NC State logo, not a nevada logo, was Nevada even part of the union when NC State created Mr Wuf
personally, I can understand how no one noticed this blatant trademark infringement. . . UN-R is not exactly on anyone's radar screen. I did not even know they were called the Wolf Pack until recently.
It's like Tuffy's bastard love-child!
"personally, I can understand how no one noticed this blatant trademark infringement. . . UN-R is not exactly on anyone's radar screen. I did not even know they were called the Wolf Pack until recently.
It's like Tuffy's bastard love-child!"
And you call yourself a college football fan? Nevada used to lead the nation in offense on a consistent basis, and was the first D1aa team to make the jump to D1a and win a conference championship. If you don't know who Nevada is, then you're just not a fan of college football.
"this is most definantly the NC State logo, that has been ripped off by Nevada. me thinks Nevada marketing was too unoriginal to develop their own mascot. if Lee Fowler had a pair, he wouldve slapped Nevada with a cease and decist order immediately."
Nevada officials are on record saying the logo was in use as early as the 1950's. Maybe NC State is the one stealing logos and infringing copyrights? Douche meet bag.
^^^ Last time I checked, NCSU still owns the trademark. UN-R doesn't. Nevada plays in a crap conference against crap teams. ACC rules. How many NCAA Division 1 basketball championships does the Wolf Pack have? Oh let me answer that. NONE!!!! How many does the Wolfpack have? Two!!!
^^^ Last time I checked, NCSU still owns the trademark. UN-R doesn't. Nevada plays in a crap conference against crap teams. ACC rules. How many NCAA Division 1 basketball championships does the Wolf Pack have? Oh let me answer that. NONE!!!! How many does the Wolfpack have? Two!!! ^^^
Nice BCS arrogance. Next time you want to throw smack around, spell our name right, ass. It's Wolf Pack (two words).
How do you spell NC State? I'll give you a hint, it's starts with an A and ends with a LSORAN. The ACC is a fine league but NC State could beat Boise or Hawaii on their best day, so just simmer down about our crappy conference and BCS blah blah blah....
NC State COULDN'T beat Boise or Hawaii on their best day....
"Nice BCS arrogance. Next time you want to throw smack around, spell our name right, ass. It's Wolf Pack (two words)."
Funny. Look at my post and everytime I referred to Nevada, I spelled it Wolf Pack and everytime I referred to NC State, I spelled it Wolfpack.
So who is the ass now. Oh let me take a guess. YOU!!! Have fun pulling for your craptastic school in your craptastic conference.
Oh by the way. I was referring to basketball, not football. I am pretty sure we would kick Boise State's and Hawaii's butt in that.
I'd say it's a push logo-wise...I don't see why Nevada would need to 'steal' it, they have the big N logo and the wolf logo they use in sports. If they say they used to use it, I don't see why they would lie. One university wouldn't sue another, they'd probably just file an injunction
As for the teams, sure NC state had some success with Jimmy V(god rest his soul) in the 80s, but has never done anything in football. Nevada has had a pretty solid basketball team the last 5 or so years. Nevada consistently has been a great offensive team under Ault...just look at now the Pistol being used by a lot of teams(even in the BCS championship game this and last year) So if I had to compare, I'd say:
Nevada >>>> NC State (in football all-time)
NC State >> Nevada (in basketball)
In case you guys are wondering, I was born and raised to bleed Carolina Blue, and have attended Nevada for 6 years now, and I'd say I was pretty unbiased in my analysis. NC State can go to hell for all I care.
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