Terrific find by
The 12th Manchild. The University of Texas is suing Aggieland Outfitters for allegedly manipulating the Texas Longhorn silhouette on its products. Merchandise with the logo has been sold since 1997, according to Texas A&M student newspaper The Battalion, and there have not been any complaints until now. The suit was filed Dec. 4, days after the Aggies beat the Longhorns, 12-7. The "Saw 'Em Off" logo has become so popular with Aggies that it has become a gesture, frequently mistaken as a "Horns Down." Aggie players do the gesture, and even the Aggie band has formed the logo during performances. Of course, T-shirts mocking the lawsuit are already on the market.

Wait, didn't A&M sue some NFL team over the 12th man?
While I think Tejas' suit is silly, it seems to me that the Aggies don't have a lot of room to complain about lawyers...
I think that Texas A&M sued some teams. But only when they made it to the superBowl, and their fan club gained more of a national reputation. Kind of like how Texas didn't care about this "misuse" of their copyright, until they lost.
A whole bunch of crybabies down in Texas I guess!
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