Georgia president Michael Adams, who has been on a crusade to stop on-campus alcohol abuse, is now taking his fight to CBS. Adams is trying to pressure the network to curb its use of "World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party" in promoting the annual Georgia-Florida game it televises from Jacksonville, which will play host to the game through 2010. Adams also is trying to get Jacksonville officials to develop better management of the city's Landing area, where much of the debauchery takes place. And what if Jacksonville doesn't shape up? Adams told the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Georgia would take that into consideration when discussions begin about extending the contract with the city. ... Oh, and while we're on the topic of debauchery. ... Donald Leeburn Jr., a member of the Board of Regents and prominent Georgia athletics booster, is chairman of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee Crown Distributing,
a big-time liquor distributor. Leeburn, if you recall, was involved in a March fight with the Mason Bentley, the son of former Athens mayor Upshaw Bentley. (some
The only problem I ever had with the WLOCP was the extreme lack of Port-O-Johns.I ended up bribing a janitor to keep letting me into his supply closet to piss in the utility sink.
Wow, if this guy ever wanted an excuse to be booted out of a university, he just found it. I'm not a fan of UGA or UF. But I do have respect for the world's largest cocktail party.
this guy just made enemies with about all of athens and gainesville...he should suck it up, go to the game, and get shitfaced with the common folk.
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