These teams just don't like each other. Texas fans flooded our site in the cheapest shot of the year contest, voting A&M's Kellen Heard the runaway winner. The teams meet again Nov. 23 in College Station and we can't wait.
Click on the billboard for a detailed look.
Other billboards: Gambling Loss, Threesome, Wiz Under Attack, The Great Sabanini, Welcome to College Statiowned, Good Seats Available, Urine for Trouble, Fluffer, Accidents Happen, Gun Laws, Speak of the Devil, Phil Fulmer's Flock, Auburn's Money and Grades, Sooner or Later, Two for Tuesday, Don't Forget Your Laptop, Ed Orgeron Is Shrek, Bowden Manure Service, Roll Over Tide and Beat Michagain.
"Then came last November, with Texas A&M stunning Texas, 12-7, in Austin. Days later, the University of Texas filed a lawsuit against Aggieland Outfitters for allegedly manipulating the Texas Longhorn silhouette on its products."
Of course, no matter that Aggieland Outfitters had ignored cease and desist letters for almost a year or more. Also, no big deal that it is an exact replica of a protected trademark that has been altered (which is still protected).
Nice research for this "article" regarding an outfit that also works to stiff the A&M athletic department of their proper royalties too. No reason to let facts get in your way.
Definition of obsession. I think the Horns should put up a sign that simply says:
and you call this a rivalry????"
hey aggie, don't be accused of stealing tradition. it is pooooooooooooooooor aggies, fix your billboard or get your own tradition.
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