ESPN sideline reporter Erin Andrews will be popping up on your TV screen this week, so we felt it was our civic duty to tell you about the 5-foot-10 former model who was a member of the Florida Dazzlers dance team while attending college in Gainesville. Cosmetic surgery? No way, she says. Andrews is single and used to date an NHL player. One of her peeves is that she often gets asked out by married athletes. Andrews' father is a TV reporter in Tampa and her goal is to end up on "Monday Night Football." There's more, thanks to this interview in the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Proceed with caution. And remember to check out
the rest of our site.
This is what I learned about Erin Andrews in the AJC article
1) She's good looking.
2) Here dad works in TV
3) Somehow a TV station hired her
4) She acted like a groupie at the ESPN crew's hotel and got all gussied up so they would notice that she's not your normal slut - she wants to sleep with TV network guys like Barry Melrose.
PS: Erin should ask Lisa Guerrero why sideline reporters have such a low reputation.
Yeah Erin Andrews is really hot....what did that article say again? I forgot about it looking at her pictures
If it's not about looks, why did she change the color of her hair? And does anybody believe that a chick nicknamed "Manute Bol" would naturally have a rack like that? Skank.
perhaps those guys commenting on "Would you do...Erin Andrews" are married athletes.
Minute . . .
So sweet I'd mop that up with a biscuit!
That thing is good. I wanna be friends with it.
She's really hot - check out her photos: www.ErinAndrewsPictures.com
You never see her pantylines. Maybe she wears thongs, or just maybe...
Either way, her sexiness is more than physical. There's this playful, fun-loving, less than serious aura about her, and you could definitely picture her as a sorority girl doing crazy things at a campus party.
This chick is a dog. She's not even cute. The only reason she's a reporter is because of her daddy and sleeping around like a slut.
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