Friday, July 11, 2008

Pete Carroll, What the Hell Are You Doing?

Sent to us from the gang at Bruins Nation. A shirtless Pete Carroll joining "top recruits" in a testosterone moment.


  1. Meh...I will admit Pete looks a skinny in comparison to most of those recruits.

    But if it were across town the video would be one Slick Rick showing potential recruits how to fill out their brackets...

  2. looks to me like hes trying to recruit!

  3. This shot is taken from inside Heritage Hall. If you look closely at some of the physiques in this crowd, it appears there are some crashers in their midst since some of these guys wouldn't be big enough to play for their high school team.

  4. I just hope Pete said, "Boys take off your shirts, no homo!"

  5. This appears to be some type of haka.


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