Sunday, May 11, 2008

Take a Hike

And now, for something completely different on Mother's Day, check out this scary hike up a walkway built in 1901 in the climbing sector of El Chorro in southern Spain. Thanks to Ken.

Here is the Wikipedia entry on Caminito del Rey.


  1. dude that was sick, im definitely going to go there someday soon when i eventually travel. even though you were on a safety line, i still gasped several times!! very cool video

  2. Yikes!!! Is that my mashed potatoes coming back up?

  3. yo. all that was missing was a tight rope. i want to meet the people who built that path. prolly the same guys who hung from ropes and blasted the canyon walls to built the hoover dam.


  4. They took it down a couple years ago due to a couple deaths. Sadly its no more.

  5. I don't understand why people are saying it's "sick". It's not like there's blood and guts or anything.


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