Thursday, April 24, 2008

Slick Rick Takes in Spirit Squad Tryouts

The all-important spirit squad tryouts were held this week at UCLA and none other than Slick Rick Neuheisel took time from his busy spring schedule to examine this year's pool of candidates.

According to Trojans-Haters Club, Neuheisel "came over during a score-tallying break, and talked to us and some judges, about golf, and Rose Bowls. ... He was just so cool, so personable, and so approachable, that we felt comfortable to chime into his 'conversation,' without feeling pushy.

"And he instantly included us in the group. So cool!! Someone asked him if he was gonna stick around and judge, but he said no way, that he had his own students that were keeping him very busy [but that otherwise, he would have loved to!]."

OK, enough of the chatter. What did Slick Rick come to see? It's posted below, with more images at Trojan-Haters Club, which earlier chronicled the Swim With Mike event featuring the USC Song Girls.
Thanks to With Leather for the tip.


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