Arizona's Mike Stoops, apparently upset that rival Arizona State had secured signatures from three players who had previously committed to the Wildcats, said of the Sun Devils: "Each school has to recruit to their school and what kind of requirements they [have].
"Arizona State has turned into a JC, and we're a four-year college. According to all the players, they say it's easier to go to school there, easier to get in."
Purdue's Joe Tiller was steamed that Ohio prep receiver Roy Roundtree, who committed to Purdue in May and reaffirmed his decision many times since, signed with Michigan and Rich Rodriguez after a visit last weekend.
"If we had an early signing date, you wouldn't have another outfit with a guy in a wizard hat selling snake oil get a guy at the last minute, but that's what happened," Tiller said.
The Boilermaker coach, who will step down at season's end, then took a shot at Roundtree's high school, Trotwood-Madison High.
"On the other side of the coin, maybe the guy did you a favor. It makes you wonder about the guy, the people surrounding him, the people in that building who would let that happen. I can say this: We won't go back in that building again and we won't be the only institution not to."
It seems like I've seen that wizardoil salesman somewhere before
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ReplyDeleteWait, calling your major research institution rival a junior college means you're taking the high road?
ReplyDeleteDoes not compute.
Right on Joe!
ReplyDeleteSomething else about Roundtree....Purdue WR's coach Brian Rock called Roundtree at 11pm the night before signing day to ask if his committment was still solid. Roundtree's response said he was coming to Purdue. Then on signing day, he faxes his LOI to Michigan and didn't even call the Purdue coaches. The Purdue coaches found out about Roundtree's surprise switch via internet reports. That's pretty shitty.
you should probably site your sources...something tells me you ripped this story from somewhere and yet claimed it as your own reporting. It's a good topic, but you might want to say where you got your information...
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to believe you called Tiller and Stoops yourself...
Purdue is simply not in the same class of football program as Michigan. A kid recruited by both chose the program that was in higher regard, the same way that a place like USC or Florida could probably poach a recruit from Michigan.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to say that Matt's story is or isn't correct. But kids do that regularly.
ReplyDeletehey windyboy this ain't a newspapaer, its a blog. if you want your sources sited you should probably go to espn...lord knows their sources are rock solid.
ReplyDeleteJoe Tiller can suck it. That guy is the biggest fraud around. Gentlemen's Agreement????? LOL. Is this the same "agreement" you used when recruiting Zach Logan. You know, the same Zach Logan, who was committed to Illinois. In fact you have poached more then one Illinois verbal since you arrived in West Lafayette. So Joe Tiller, Shut your lying two faced mouth!
ReplyDeleteNo shit Purdue isn't in the same class as Michigan. That is obvious. I wouldn't argue that.
ReplyDeleteBut, if a kid is going to switch schools the day before signing day then have the honesty and decency to tell the Purdue coaches the truth when they call you at 11pm. It's understandable to want to switch to Michigan when they offer you. But if you are going to switch, then call the Purdue coaches and thank them for their efforts. Don't lie to the them the night before and let them find out what happened on the internet the next morning.
ReplyDeleteyou haven't a clue what you are talking about.
At issue here is NOT recruiting kids that are already committed. The issue is how it is done. The gentlemen's agreement Tiller is referring to is.....
ReplyDeleteThe outgoing Boilermaker coach referenced a long-standing gentleman's agreement among Big Ten coaches under which a league member would generally call a prospect once after his commitment to another league school just to ask if he was certain of his decision. If the answer were affirmative, the school moved on.
A further agreement, albeit unofficial, was struck among Big Ten schools that mandated coaches at least make certain recruits make the coaches they're spurning aware of their intentions to switch. It stemmed from the much-publicized recruitment of basketball star Eric Gordon to Indiana and has been talked about by league administrators and coaches alike publicly.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid it is you who is the ball licker.
Zach Logan was the recruit in question from the same bloody high school.
Same thing happened with Michael Shaw, our Penn State commit, also from Trotwood...
ReplyDeleteWhat can you do, its the system and RichRod is a complete weasel...
JoePa maybe old, but our system is solid.
I'll even drop a quote from good old Zach:
ReplyDeleteLogan: "In the beginning, I liked Illinois a lot. I’d learned a lot about them when I went to camp there and spent three days over there. I learned a lot about their scheme and everything. Illinois was my No. 1 (choice) when I left the camp and Purdue was my No. 2. I didn’t know a lot about Purdue at the time.
"A lot of athletes wait and miss out on opportunities, and I felt comfortable with Illinois so I decided to commit to Illinois. But Coach (Bill) Legg, Coach (Phil) Elmassian and Coach (Joe) Tiller kept in touch with me and tried to get me to come on a visit. I took the visit and decided Purdue would be a better fit.
So tell me....was Joe following the "Gentlemen's Agreement" by keeping in touch....trying to get a visit. He sure as fuck didn't call the Illinois staff and ask if he could keep calling and begging for a visit.
Wilford Brimley needs to deal with facts. You aren't in Wyoming anymore. Go back to selling diabetes medication. Once Painter leaves you are up shit creek.
ReplyDeleteTiller and staff called Logan and asked if he solid with Illinois. He said he wasn't sure, so they brought him in for a visit. It wasn't a case where they kept bugging him even though Logan kept telling them he was solid with Illinois.
Also notice that this abides by Gentlemen Code #1. It doesn't abide by Gentlemen Code #2 because the Logan recruitment happened before the Eric Gordon saga.
ReplyDeleteJustin Siller. Next question.
the funniest part of this is what a joke of a school U of A is.
ReplyDeleteJoe Tiller got himself Fabian Miller, who happened to be another Illinois commit. I guess he sweet talked him during that one "gentlemen's agreement" call that he made.
ReplyDeleteFact is Tiller has been cherrypicking Illinois verbals for years. But when it happens to him he cries foul and spouts off claims of wizardry.
It doesn't matter when it happened. Night before signing day or one month before signing day. If he can't handle it happening to Purdue then he shouldn't do it himself. Get thicker skin, Joe. The Big 10 will go after each others verbals until they sign the LOI.
Well Roundtree - we know your number is going to be X .. not something in the 80's so prepare yourself youngster! A big old X right on your back now ..
ReplyDeletebig XI recruiting wars = fighting with wet noodles
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you're praising Stoops for his nonsense. His first 3 years when all they had going for them was the highly rated recruiting classes they were pulling in despite being absolutely putrid on the field. Now that the recruiting has begun to more closely resemble the product that shows up on fall Saturdays, he's left with nothing else but desperately grasping at straws and lashing out at other schools (that by the way, have the SAME academic standards as his school...it's not even in a different state, for crying out loud).
ReplyDeleteOn top of that, ASU has a far superior, nationally copied academic support program (www.scholarballer.org) that has done a fantastic job in improving graduation rates and academic performance across the board. Meanwhile, u of a is the ONLY BCS school that has lost scholarships in football for poor academic performance.
I get what you're saying, that all the attention paid to recruiting is too much, and on many levels I agree with you. But the attempt to point Mike Stoops as some sort of soothsayer telling it like it is is a total travishamockery. He's out of control and afraid for his job, plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteTo say that Michigan is a much better program than Purdue is ignorant. If you were born in the 1970's Michigan hasn't won much!! Oh yeah,one split, controversial national title. Also, they haven't been in the national picture in nearly ten years. Now if the Michigan baby boomers want to claim how they have a great program I might see their point. But, a program doesn't mean shit to me when they haven't one a thing since Bill Clinton was president. I am not a fan of either school or of the SLOW Big Ten, but the arrogance of the Michigan fans amazes me. Britney may have a better state of mind!!!
ReplyDeletePretty ethical of Tiller to go after a Ball State recruit on signing day. Good thing he had faxed his LOI in to Ball State. Classy guy that Joe Tiller.