Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jenn Jumps on the South Florida Bandwagon

You might remember Jenn Sterger, the Florida State student who rose to fame after she was shown on a national telecast of the 2005 Miami-Florida State game. Those teams play again Saturday, but will Sterger be around? According to Sports By Brooks, she has adopted a new team, trading in the Garnet and Gold (digger) of Florida State for the Green and Gold (digger) of South Florida.

Sterger, shown in her new colors of the 6-0 Bulls, left, appears to have lost her lust for 4-2 Seminoles. And not all South Florida fans are happy to have the bandwagoner along for the ride.


  1. Jen actually went to USF for a period of time before FSU and is from the Tampa area. She has been at USF games the past couple of years.

  2. She looks like she has aged about 10 years...

  3. What's Jen Sterger's mom doing at USF games?

  4. wow, yet another uninformed, inaccurate and embarassingly incorrect "factual post" about Jenn...you guys must be craving hits, because every time that jackass SBB posts his lies about her, all his little blogger wannabe idols flock to link his crap to their site...do yourself a favor, take an extra, oh, I don't know, 20 seconds, do a Google search on Jenn, and get the facts straight so your posts in the future don't get associated with SBB's BS (which is what SBB should change his initials to...)

    Jenn now lives in Tampa, not Tally, has personal friends on the USF team and was a former student there before FSU and was going to games long before FSU rolled into her life..so ya, she has been going to the games...quick, call the AP wire to break this huge news story!!

    What a bunch of crap, oh well, hope your post hits went up tremendously with this one, and hope its worth it making you look as petty and uninformed with facts as the rest...way to stand out!

  5. Jax, you sound bitter.

    I think you meant to leave your comment on the SBB site, not this one.

  6. All I know is that she is a butterface.....EVERYTHING BUTTER FACE!!! Nice tits...

  7. Jenn bleeds gold - mixed with a little garnet and a little green. Always has.

    Jenn's family have always backed the Bulls - season ticket holders from way back. She's been to quite a few games and even wrote about it - if memory serves - in her SI blog.

    Probably unfair to suggest that she's a "bandwagoner", but it's your grenade to toss....

  8. Maybe when Central Florida starts winning we'll see her there. I hear Jacksonville State has a good class coming in next year too, she can parade around there.

    Sheesh! Washed up.

  9. Jax, don't flatter yourself. Jenn isn't that big of a story. Shocker that she cares more about promotion than sports though!

  10. That photo is a year old. So much for the "bandwagon" theory...

  11. "Jenn now lives in Tampa, not Tally, has personal friends on the USF team"

    Personal friends = people who stick penis in her?

  12. That hole's been played more times that #17 at TPC Sawgrass

  13. Well, that's the end of USF. Jenn can wear a Tampa Bay Bucs hat now as they are probably playoff bound.

  14. Her boobs are bigger, i guess she has that going for her!

    And I guess getting trained by the USF football team, or sorry, her personal friends!

  15. c'mon guys,,, jenn needs a lot of attention, she's gonna go where the camera's are to get that attention- are you surprised? this girl is a facade- i know for a fact


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