Monday, July 30, 2007

This Post Comes 'Out of the Blue'

The Boise State documentary "Out of the Blue" is nearing completion and officials are already accepting orders in preparation for the Aug. 28 release. We're told ESPN2 is planning to show 60 minutes of the 90-minute film later this month, but we beat the four-letter network to it with this three-minute trailer. Ha! Now if you're an Oklahoma fan, you have been warned.

Thanks to Matthew at Statue Left for sending this along. Statue Left, you might recall, sponsored the winning entry in our Great Billboard Competition, one of those things we do to keep entertained during the offseason.
Presumably the final filming for the DVD was done Saturday when Boise State running back Ian Johnson followed through and got hitched to Chrissy Popadics. We wish them well.

1 comment:

  1. Coach Peterson dropping lines from Any Given Sunday? I wonder if he gave the entire speech before the Fiesta.


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