Wednesday, July 25, 2007

'A Colt Following' Now Online

The Colt Brennan for Heisman campaign is underway. Hawaii has made the 43-minute DVD of the quarterback titled "A Colt Following" available online. You can watch it by clicking here.

The DVD, centerpiece of the campaign, cost the athletic department approximately $25,000 to produce. Warrior officials plan to send 1,000 DVDs to media outlets and voters for postseason awards and polls.

And what good is a Heisman campaign without a website? Hawaii has put a Herculean effort into Brennan's site, and it will contain highlights of each of the Warrior games.

1 comment:

  1. How can I get the DVD? I would really like a copy. It's hard for me to get Hawai'i stuff/Brennan stuff when I live in Georgia, but I dont care how much it costs, I want a copy.


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