Friday, June 15, 2007

Trouble and Turmoil at Toledo

Toledo President Lloyd Jacobs has ordered a massive restructuring of the athletic department, citing problems with team travel, lack of financial control and unlawful handling of medications, according to the Toledo Blade.

In addition, all football and basketball players, except incoming freshman, have been told they must be interviewed by outside/special counsel and a faculty athletics representative to determine their eligibility for the upcoming season.

Jacobs was asked if he has lost confidence in football coach Tom Amstutz and basketball coach Stan Joplin.

“Do they have my support in everything? Possibly not,” he said. “I don’t know what everything is that they do. Do I hold them accountable? We have 7,000 employees. I hold every one of them accountable for our value system. I hold them accountable for doing their job, everyone accountable for following the rules of the state, the NCAA."

What appeared to have triggered this was the FBI investigation into an alleged points-shaving scheme involving Rocket running back Harvey McDougle. The case fell apart almost immediately and charges against McDougle were dropped.

The paper also reported that in October 2006, the NCAA approached university officials three days before the Toledo-Kent State football game on Oct. 14, notifying them that a large bet had been placed on the game. That NCAA later informed Toledo that no further investigation was warranted at the time.

Records obtained by the newspaper show that the wives and girlfriends of Toledo coaches, and boosters and other nonessential personnel, were allowed to fly with the football and men’s and women’s basketball teams at university expense. Records also show that coaches traveled to Germany and charged trip expenses to their Toledo credit cards.

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