Thursday, March 29, 2007

Keeping an Eye on the Videoboard Race

The latest rage for athletic departments flush with money? Videoboards. Texas' Godzillatron, above, is the current leader at 55 feet tall and 134 feet long and costing $8 million.

On Tuesday, Auburn announced plans for a high-definition unit that will be approximately 30 feet tall and 74 feet wide and costing $2.9 million. Now Oklahoma is set to approve a plan to upgrade its videoboards and sound systems at Memorial Stadium and Lloyd Noble Center. The cost: $10.3 million.

Oklahoma State also plans to go digital, reports George Schroeder of the Oklahoman. Among teams with improved videoboards: Texas A&M's 12th Man TV (54-by-74) and Nebraska's unnamed board (33-by-117). Thanks to Greg! Some registration.


  1. Has the arms race gotten just a little bit out of control????
    These athletic departments are non-profit organizations... which at the highest level is sort of like being a 007. Licence to throw bushels of money away at an alarming rate.

  2. Sure Auburn will spend 2.9 million on a big TV. The only problem is they don't know where to put those damn rabbit ears.


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