Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Arguably the Cheapest Shot of 2006

We call them as we see them folks. This is a cheap, cheap shot delivered by Texas A&M's Kellen Heard on Texas' Colt McCoy. It comes after McCoy throws an interception that all but secures the Aggies' 12-7 victory at Austin. The hit comes after the play, which is real chicken crap. Heard gets tossed and the Aggies get a 15-yard penalty. Heard is only a freshman, so don't be surprised to see some retribution down the road.


  1. had not seen that video. what an a-hole. glad they ejected him..too bad they can't fine them in college football

  2. Cry, cry, cry. More t-sip Crying. Won't change the Scoreboard.

    If you don't want your little wuss of a QB hurt, then tell your players to stop cheap shotting:



  3. Don't worry Heard will get his in the end. I wonder if this had anything to do with him never getting that offer from UT that he always wanted?

  4. it may have been a late hit, but how often does an guy intercept a pass in the open field and just go down instead of trying to advance the ball? you cant tell from the video how long after the inception the hit is, but I'm sure Heard expected Dodge to run after the pick, in which case, McCoy is fair game. the aggies had very few personal fouls on the year so I'd hesitate calling this a cheap shot, particularly since we cant see an angle showing McCoy and Dodge. emotions run high in a rivalry game, especially after a game changing interception.

  5. well...
    since Heard had his back to the interception after Dodge went down, he didn't know it was over.
    You lost...
    deal with it...

  6. First time that I have seen the video.... It looks like McCoy is watching the interception and tackle of Dodge then goes to remove his chin strap. Unless there is better video evidence I would say the hit on McCoy occurred no more than a second after Dodge hit the ground. And Heard did have his back to the play.

  7. Colt laying on the ground thinking....... Oh Sh*t I just lost the game......... I am not getting up......

  8. What a surprise!! Classless and anonymous Aggie fans.

    Heard's hit was late, high, and from behind. Pretty hard to defend.

  9. ABC's angle is tight, so it provides no context.

    other video no longer available on the web shows that:

    1) The hit was only 1 second after Dodge went down, and Heard's back was to the play. At the very beginning of ABC's replay, you can see Colt speed up as he sees the INT, moving in Dodge's direction, pulling up only moments before Heard hits him.

    2) it was not an 'earhole', McCoy didn't get hit in the head, he got hit in the arm and shoulder.

    3) Heard's hit was a poor decision, but to call it Cheapest Shot of 2006 without any contextual evidence is a stretch, especially when you're accusing 19yr olds. (didn't a kicker in colorado f*cking stab someone?)

    4) football is a rough, dirty game. (if you disagree, you've obviously never played. oh and how bout those far more dangerous chop blocks shown above?) keep your chin strap on and your head on a swivel.

  10. This was a little late but Bennett's hit was clean and he couldnt take it. Colt doesnt have the stature to play Pro ball and its questionable that he has it to play College ball. What is the meaning of the word Colt? It sure doesnt add up to a stallion.

    Look at this and you will see someone that can take a hit and someone that will go much further in his football career.

    Heck, Mcgee can take it and the little Colt just lays there after a little tap. There can be no argument that McGee is much tougher

  11. Taken out of context, the hit originally looked blatant. But,
    if you watched Austin's KVUE Sports broadcast, it was clear that Heard hit McCoy within 2 seconds of Dodge intercepting the ball, and within 1 second of Dodge going to the ground.

    The umpire had his flag pulled and was throwing it 2 seconds after Dodge went down.

  12. Somebody's getting a well-deserved shot to the nuts in next year's pile.

  13. several other cheap shot of the year nominees:

    TCU #1
    TCU #2
    HS Football

    you're welcome for that comprehensive list.

  14. Cart McCoy is a puzzy and needs lessons on Toughness from McGee.


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