Saturday, October 28, 2006

'That's Kinda Gay'

We're told this is Brian Kinchen, announcing the Northern Illinois-Iowa game. He talks about "caressing the ball." Then says "that's kinda gay." After that comes the dead silence. ... That's kinda funny. Thanks to Jacob for this!
Update: Video removed because of copyright restrictions. Try this link (thanks to the anonymous reader who posted the new link!), or simply click on the window below and the video magically appears! Also Kinchen has been taken off the air this week by ESPN officials, the Des Moines Register reported (thanks to Big Lead and Deadspin). And remember to check out the rest of our fine blog!


  1. he was wrong. it wasn't kinda gay, it was flaming gay.

  2. The youtube link has been removed due to copyright. Does anyone know were I can get this clip?


  4. Either this statement was made out of ignorance by an uneducated person or this guy actually believes that this is expectable. The “ it was a mistake and I never should have said it “ excuse just keeps his freelance job for the next game. Does anyone really believe this is ok? If you do, you are just like him. No excuse for ignorance or hate!


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