Friday, August 18, 2006

Reporters' Notebooks

Andrew Logue, Des Moines Register: Get this: Iowa and Iowa State fans are already gobbling up tickets to bowl games and booking charter flights.

Chad Hartley, Reno Gazette-Journal: How much does it cost to transport a team in the geographically challenged Western Athletic Conference? It ain't cheap.

Jim Kleinpeter, Times-Picayune: Louisiana State announced season-ticket sales of 67,800, a record for the third season in a row.

Kevin Gorman, Tribune-Review: Two games and one big parking lot. Now Pittsburgh is scrambling for solutions to a scheduling problem on Sept. 16, when the Panthers play host to Michigan State (thanks to Kevin).

Donnie Webb, Syracuse Post-Standard: Who said they had to be banners in the first place? Syracuse is replacing its championship banners with eye-popping billboards.

Kyle Ringo, Boulder Daily Camera: Why the Mountain West Conference's new deal with College Sports Television could be bad news to Colorado fans (registration).

Kyle Hightower, Orlando Sentinel: Central Florida and South Florida, after a nudge from a third party, have agreed to continue the war on I-4.

Omar Kelly, South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Fights have become routine at Miami practices, but is coach Larry Coker hoping the skirmishes foster team unity?

Karl Licis, Rocky Mountain News: Air Force offensive line coach Pete Hurt has been suspended indefinitely pending an investigation into allegations he struck a player during an Aug. 9 practice (thanks to Ben Maller).

EDSBS: Linebacker Willie Williams thought he was headed to a Mississippi junior college, but the door has been shut.

Doug Zaleski, Muncie Star Press: The new 3-2-5-e rule is going to make it more difficult for Ball State to duplicate what it did last season against Eastern Michigan.

Jon Solomon, Birmingham News: You heard about it here first. Now learn more about the terrific cfbstats.

Associated Press: Cybercasts of games are gaining popularity, especially with teams from smaller colleges.

Brent Schrotenboer, San Diego Union-Tribune: So what is former San Diego State coach Tom Craft up to? He still works at the university, but is seldom seen on campus.


  1. Hey Wiz, this is a very, very, very non-important interjection, but I've decided to be ultra-possessive about my early touting of cfbstats:

    Unlike the Birmingham (yesterday's) News, I was into him before he was cool. Poseurs!


  2. Guys, there's plenty of to go around!

    Seriously, you guys have been my website's two biggest supporters, for which I am very grateful. Thank you.



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