Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Lloyd Carr Finally Gets His Revenge
A Big Ten referee who worked games for five years after the loss of an eye has filed a lawsuit to get his old job back. James Filson, who lost an eye in an accident in May of 2000, returned to his job that fall without informing his bosses of the accident. According to the lawsuit, "a reporter contacted Lloyd Carr, head football coach at the University of Michigan, and told him that [Filson] had only one eye." Carr then contacted Big Ten commissioner Jim Delaney, who had Filson fired. Filson said he was told by Delaney that he "failed to fulfill the 'minimum physical requirements' of the job." Filson claims the Big Ten's actions are a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Filson also seeks back pay and unspecified damages. Thanks to Kevin for the tip!
LLLLLoyd Carr prefers that officials have both eyes closed at the proper times.