Friday, May 26, 2006

Can You Say Big 12 Boondoggle?

If you are looking for accommodations in Colorado, they don't come any finer than the Broadmoor. The Wiz happens to be familiar with the joint, which is nestled next to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado Springs. It was built in 1891 as a gambling casino and transformed into a five-star resort in 1918. It has a world-class spa, three golf courses and — most important — the Golden Bee, an authentic 19th-century English pub famous for its yard and half-size ales and ragtime pianist. So it's no wonder that Big 12 commissioners, who have been holding their annual meetings this week at the Broadmoor, have little to show for their efforts. The proposal for a ninth conference game was shot down despite the new 12-game season, and that Big 12 championship game? Yes, they will continue to have one. The only news was bad news: revenue took a dip from the record $105.6 million in 2004-05 to $102.5 million in 2005-06. Maybe it's time for a little belt tightening, boys! How about the Red Roof Inn down the road? Meanwhile, our gladiators, aka student-athletes, have next to nothing to show for their efforts (some registration).

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