Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You Have Our Permission to Sin

OK, we've been busted. Things are a tad slow today as our student-athletes take their final exams and preparations start for the bowl games. Given these factors, we thought a slight interruption was in order, so meet Melissa Theuriau (12 MB video). See, the French aren't all bad! We are told she is a newsreader for "LCI Morning," whatever that is. For lack of a better description, she is stunningly beautiful. Theuriau has her own spot in cyberspace and we can only hope that our calling attention to her will pressure authorities to hasten her departure out of that den of inequity called France to the safe haven of the U.S.A.


  1. Thalia, the (former?) Canal Plus weather girl in France, is also smoking hot. I'd post a link, but I can't find any pages.

  2. At the bottom of this link are some rather revealing photos of Melissa Theuriau:


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