Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Department of Dumb and Dumber
Central Florida professor Richard Lapchick has released his annual report on bowl-bound teams' graduation rates. We could tell you that 41% of the 56 teams competing in the postseason fall below the NCAA's Academic Progress Rate, or that nearly half of the teams competing fail to graduate 50% of their student/athletics. There's a lot of data to go over. But let's get to the bottom of it, which is where we find Toledo. The Rockets scored 864 in the APR rankings, far below the NCAA "cut" score of 925. As for the dumbest bowl, it appears to be the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, where Nevada and, oddly enough, Lapchick's Central Florida will square off.
Hadn't realized that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had adult offspring.