Thursday, September 29, 2005

Alberts: Broadcasting Career Likely Over

Trev Alberts, who was fired earlier this month as an analyst for "College GameDay," says his "opportunities in broadcasting have probably been destroyed by ESPN." The 35-year-old Alberts was unable to go into details about his departure because of pending litigation, but said, "More than likely, I'll be making a lifestyle and professional change, which I suppose isn't always bad."


  1. I watched the show on ESPN because of him. Is there anything the public can do to reverse ESPN's decision?

  2. na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye!

  3. I liked alberts commentary and thought he was different, not better, than the others on Gameday. But, you don't tell your boss what you are going to do. If you do that, you are on the outside, looking in. He needs to learn that at age 35, no less. Good luck to him.

  4. Is there any chance Stephen A and Skip Bayless can join him in the "career change"

  5. If you call in a couple of hours before air time and say you ain't going to SHOULD be fired. You're the tail Trev...ya don't wag the dog... sour grapes 35 y.o. brat... See ya at Kroger's baggin my

  6. Maybe when Trev is talking changing his lifestyle he means he's going to become black and start spewing retarded lingo and catch phrases.

    That seems to be what ESPN wants from its personalities.

  7. Don't let the door hit you in the ass Trev. Good Riddance.

  8. yeah I always hated that guy.

  9. "Oklahoma is more physical and has much better athletes than USC and that is why they will be crowned national champions later tonight."

    Trevor Alberts

    This comment sent thousands to the betting windows in Vegas. Thanks so much Trevor, the books ended up winning around 26 million because you so called experts fell for our trap as well.

  10. Too bad they don't can Mark May and Kelen Winslow as well....good riddance Trev, you are a tool box

  11. I was not much of Trev fan, but I enjoyed watching his analysis and quibbles with Mark May.

    Trev was the quinessential non-BCS hater, but that was what made him the most liked and most hated.

    Too bad CNN/SI cancelled their "gameday show", and I think FSN cancelled theirs with Winslow and the gang.

    Trev is too good for Ray Lucas and the Crystal Ball gang at CSTV.

    IMO, he would be a good fit for TBS. A TBS telecast is second to none.

  12. As if often the case with many sportscasters, an ego got in the way of common sense. C'mon--Trev was an entertainer--nothing more, and nothing less. Management apparently did think as highly of Trev, as Trev thought of himself.

  13. I am glad to see him go. He is often arrogant and offered nothing to ESPN. He did not fit into the mold or style of Chris, Kirk, and Lee or the majority of personalities on the network. Heck even the guys on cold pizza are better. He, IMO, did not suit the network and is absolutely no loss whatsoever. Now, if they can get rid of Mark May I will be happy.

  14. he was a jackass, anyway. whoever hires him deserves what they get.

  15. trev alberts sucked. He was a pompous jerk that never had anything good to say unless you were a Big 12 school.

    Good riddance, jerk!

  16. Good Luck, Trev.... I hope you find a place that allows having an opinion, unlike ESPN.

  17. Trev Alberts never belonged. Those who hired him originally are as much to blame. Many media, advertising and TV show people are far out of touch with the basic, real American.

  18. trev who? i mean, who really cares? I barely recognized the name or the face and I watch ESPN regularly.

  19. He was a little pompous but he had the right to be because he was right more often than the other analysts. I never minded if somebody was a little pompous as long as they could back it up with better quality work than his/her peers.


  21. He accuracy rate was pretty impressive overall, and whoever says that he played up the big 12 over other conferences just doesn't listen to him, you want to hear a commentator overhype a conference listen to Herbstriet when he starts yapping about big 10 teams.

  22. trev sucks im glad he is gone

  23. He was an idiot and I am glad he's gone. Too bad May, Bayless, Stephen A. Hole aren't gone too. Corso is a moron but he makes a good court jester.


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