Ferentz, the Iowa coach, is the highest-paid employee in the state with an annual salary of $2.7 million. His teams won 31 games during a three-year span from 2002-2004, but his past two squads have struggled to 7-5 and 6-7 records. FireKirkFerentz.com now redirects you to HawkeyeSports.com, the main site of Iowa athletics.
Redshirted is reportedly operated by a technology worker in Austin and last August had fireyourcoach domain rights to 27 coaches. That list has dwindled to 20 and the site lists FireKirkFerentz.com as one of nine domains sold.
To the best of our knowledge, Iowa is the first athletic department to take the proactive move of purchasing domains that could be used to criticize athletic department officials. Iowa also has rights to FireLisaBluder.com, the women's basketball coach, and FireGaryBarta, the athletic director. Those two URLs also redirect you to HawkeyeSports.com.
Up to this point, such purchases have been made by fans, the most notable coming in 2002 when a Florida fan purchased FireRonZook.com shortly after he was named Gator coach.
The University owned firegarybarta.com (named for the AD) as far back as September. I can think of a few better ways to spend the money...
I'm not sure what's funnier to me. the fact that iowa bought this or that there's such a site that sells fireyourcoach domain names.
I think the schools purchase these so they can have control over the names. As long as they own it, nobody else can use it. It will sit dormant so its really not an issue.
When starting my own website i purchased 26 different domain names just so nobody could really spin what i was doing or try and knock me off...
Just out of curiosity, I tried www.firejeffbower.com (the head coach of Southern Miss) -- and was redirected to another site -- if you see where, you'll see whoever owns it has a sense of humor.
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