In case you missed it, a podcast is available from the Wiz's appearance Thursday on the
Morning Mojo on 620 The Bull in Raleigh-Durham. You can go directly to the mp3
by clicking here. It is the second interview behind North Carolina defensive coordinator Marvin Sanders. And to other bloggers, here is an opportunity to have your voice heard. Host Joe Ovies has come up with a terrific idea. Writes Joe: "Once a week we'll take a look at what's poppn' in the blogosphere and would like your help if you think you can pull off those written opinions on the radio. Come on, it can't be that hard! So if you bloggers think you are good enough to drop some knowledge on the morning show, drop me a line." Details are available
by clicking here.
West Coaster huh? I guess I shouldn't hold that against you.
podcast is here
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