The Los Angeles Times is reporting details of events leading to the arrest of USC quarterback Mark Sanchez on suspicion of sexual assault of a female student. At 11:21 p.m. Tuesday, Sanchez, 19, gained entrance into the
901 Club, a bar and restaurant near campus, using a fake Arizona ID that showed his name as
Jordan Traver Uttal, according to an employee at the club who asked not to be identified by name. The employee told the paper that Sanchez "was stoned-faced sober when he came in." At 12:59 a.m. Wednesday, club security cameras showed Sanchez leaving the establishment. At 1:30 a.m., USC students Matthew Menjou and Altman Tsang were returning to their apartment when the car they were in ran out of gas. As they were pushing the vehicle into a parking space, Sanchez showed up and offered to help. Menjou, who said he recognized Sanchez and called him "the next Matt Leinart," said the quarterback was loud and appeared as if he had been drinking. Police said the alleged assault occurred in the early morning and did not give a location. At 4 p.m., Sanchez was arrested at the Cardinal Gardens apartment complex (
video link). He was booked and bail was set at $200,000. You can view details of the quarterback's booking by
going to this link and entering Sanchez's first and last name. University officials said that Sanchez would be put on "interim suspension" while the case was pending. The L. A. Daily News, which reported that campus security
detained Sanchez in March after he allegedly broke a window at a fraternity party but did not make any arrests, said the quarterback attended a workshop Tuesday night at Heritage Hall for athletes on rape awareness. The Daily Trojan reported that this is the
third time in three years that the LAPD has investigated a Trojan player for alleged sexual assault at Cardinal Gardens. And the student paper reported in 2005 that the 901 Club was cited by the LAPD
for accepting fake IDs. The Reggie Bush story was advanced when the former Trojan
acknowledged knowing Michael Michaels, the aspiring San Diego marketer who tried to sign the tailback as a client. But Bush declined to offer any details about his parents' living arrangements that
sparked an NCAA investigation.
Hey, the 901 is not a restaurant. It's the toilet that students by the row go to get drunk at. I wish they'd tear it down.
Good riddance to Jarrett - let him take his "classless" act to the NFL where he can join the likes of T.O.. Refs in Rose Bowl have no balls - allow taunting by #8 on his way to TD and tossing of ball at Wolverine DB later in the game. To make matters worse, the whole nation has to listen to Fowler make love to him on post game interview.
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