And so it ended for Marcus Vick. The Virginian-Pilot
tracked down Vick at a Virginia Beach restaurant Friday night, hours after the quarterback was booted off the Virginia Tech team. "It's not a big deal. I'll just move on to the next level, baby," Vick said. Does that mean you would enter the NFL draft? "Yeah, defnitely." ... Oh, then no, "I'm sorry" or "I let my teammates down." No, none of that. And that is a big part of the problem. Vick, the player, became bigger than Virginia Tech, the team. Or for that matter, Virginia Tech,
the university. The NCAA likes to call it "loss of institutional control." The Wiz sees it as a sign of insecurity when a university has to align behind a football team to validate its existence. Checks and balances are tossed aside and individuals are allowed to make a sham of the school. It will be interesting to see how the university handles this from a public-relations standpoint because right now, it is sporting a real shiner. Just
check out all the embarrassment Vick brought the university since he enrolled in 2002. Sadly,
coach Frank Beamer didn't have the common sense to make this play call. Evidence suggests that
Tech president Charles Steger finally had to step in. ... We also have a link to
three video reports, including comments from Beamer (some registration).
While Vick is an asshole, it does not mean Virginia Tech needs to "align behind a football team to validate its existence." VT is not "insecure." They have not suffered a "loss of institutional control."
Virginia Tech is a stellar institution and just becasue its football team made some bad choices does not mean that acedemically it is in a state of crisis or even in trouble. You even contridict yourself when you say "evidence suggests that Tech president Charles Steger finally had to step in." That shows the instituion knew exactly what it was doing.
Well the NFL has Moss,Owens,Johnson and now, no doubt, Marcus Vick, Just another cancer cell. The Nfl owners have really hit rock bottom now. There is no shame in this game.
Marcus Vick may see himself as an NFL Player, but character issues will lower his draft status. What did Marcus Vick do on the field? In the season's two most important games VT was embarrassed by Miami and in the ACC Championship game, Florida Sate on a down year beat the Hokies.
I wonder why nobody has mentioned the underlying issue with Marcus Vick: V-T and Beamer's lack of control over the football team. Many other teams in the ACC consider V-T to be an underhanded, dirty playing group of no-accounts. As I recall, one of the officials after the Gater Bowl made the comment that the V-T team was "out of control". That, it seems to me, is a strong indictment to level against any team...one which I have never heard a game official make before.
I don't know what other ACC teams consider Tech a "underhanded, dirty playing group of no accounts". The 2004 football team was given the sportmanship award for all the ACC football teams, and I believe it was chosen by the other players. At least get all the facts before spreading such slander.
Marcus Vick is a no-talent butthole
who has discredited his alma mater,
his brother and his family. He will get his IF and WHEN he is selected by an NFL team. He has no class and NFL defensive linemen
will demonstrate that fact for all to see. Shades of Clarett! The world should be so lucky.
It is unfortunate that Marcus Vick let things come to this point. He made a series of mistakes, and I credit both the University and Frank Beamer for giving a promising young athlete a second chance. Marcus, unfortunately, lost his early season self-control and determination to prove that his second chance wasn't a mistake. I also applaud VT and Coach Beamer for drawing the line after the Gator Bowl, deciding that a second chance was not carte blanche to do as one liked. Unsportsmanlike conduct of that degree is unconscionable, at any level of play. Finally, for all of Marcus' bravado, I think reality will still hit him in the face during the draft, when he realizes how far down in the draft he gets selected (if at all), due to his exhibition last week. To treat the University, Coach, and team in this manner after "earning" a much-disputed second chance does not encourage NFL managers that you are someone they want to "manage".
Hokie Alumna -- Class of 1991
(Proud of the Hokies, not Marcus)
Vick is another example of how the game of sports is played. Team owners look for some of the best players, knowing that they are self-absorbed jerks. The NFL will pick him up, make him a star, and get rid of him when they have had enough of his antics. We (fans) need to stop buying into these players egos by refusing to support them and demanding the NFL/NCAA owners immediately put a stop to their poor behaviors. Funny! I don't see these problems with the superior teams, Pittsburgh Steelers, New England Patriots, etc.
Anyone watching the Rose Bowl saw two the best: hard hitting teams that played with class VT should try to emulate. Even with several bad calls neither team's coaching staff complianed; setting examples for the players to live up to. Thanks to the president and AD Tech hopefully is headed in the right direction. Beamer and his staff are top notch and, except for some qustionalbe offesevise stagity, need only to bring sportsmanship to the game.
garbage will always be garbage. Should have left him in the cotton fields.
what happens when Marcus Vicks meets Alvis Dumervil in the pros...hopes Vicks get the same in return but with a lot of classs from Dumervil and i know Alvis has a lot of class it showed the the game against VT....
The NFL can have him. VT will be fine.
before the thug stomping --- I was on a plane with Marcus (who was wearing his VT stocking cap) when he refused to turn off his cell phone when the stewardess requested it 3 times. We all had to wait while he pretended to turn it off. In the middle of the landing his phone rang. He called the stewardess a b-tc- and when I heard 2 days later he was accused of the stomp, based just on that observation, I believed it. And maybe VT is a good school ---- but Marcus Vick and Marquise Cooke sure make it look like a school for dumb jocks.
As a Virginia, I am embarrassed that Marcus Vick was even given a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chance before VT finally did something. I know the school was probably worried since his brother donates so much $$$ to the school, but so do other alumni. From the beginning, Marcus has tried to ride on the coat tail of his brother's success. I guess he thought everyone should kiss his ass and he should be able to do what he wants because of his brother. Well, he'll have another thing coming in the NFL. They won't put up with his crap and his nasty "I'm better than everyone" attitude. That's obvious by the post about him on the airplane. I know for a fact that VT students DO NOT like Marcus because of his attitude. They have never embraced him like they did his brother. He came into that school demanding to be treated the like the star he didn't prove he could be. Let's face it, the attention he has gotten is because of his brother. Look out NFL, you've got another Terrell Owens coming you way if anyone's crazy enough to draft him.
After his antics towards the WVU fans in Morgantown and his disrespect for the opposing Gator Bowl players its obvious Beamer should have stuck with his gut instint in 2004 and possibly he might have grown up a bit.
The problem is Marcus Vick is and will only ever be a "legend in his own mind". Any one who drafts him in the NFL will have wasted a pick on a spoiled wanna be. He brother Mike, took all the class and talent in that gene pool.
I personally will never support the NFL team that takes this ass.
I hope his stock went down millions of dollars. To bad for his family who produced one great athlete.Maybe Buffalo can use him to complete their rosteras they are all losers anyway. F U Vick
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