Trev Alberts, who was fired earlier this year by ESPN, has emerged from hiding. The former "College GameDay" analyst gave an interview to the
Des Moines Register and said he remains good friends with former cohorts Rece Davis and Mark May, but had little to say about ESPN management. "It's obviously an interesting scenario when you're terminated in the middle of what you do. This is the college football season. That was obviously a bit odd."
Alberts indicated earlier that he couldn't discuss his termination from ESPN because of pending litigation. As for what his plans might be, Alberts hinted that a return to TV is possible, but not in his usual role. "I'd like to think there's a lot more to me than 'a football guy who talks about football.' "
We have a sports show on the sunshine station here in florida with a bunch of washed up college guys. Maybe he can sign on with them.
Alberts took the moeny and ran from Indy and now he tried to do the same at ESPN. Good bye and not big loss it is much more pleasant to watch the show now.
ESPN has no idea who they just lost. Ratings have never been higher when Trev Alberts was doing highlights. He was very entertaining to watch, and I can't wait to see where he appears next!
Alberts is a pompous ass and very egoistical. Lou is a much better fit
This just in... it's April 20, 2006, and Trev Alberts still sucks. So does Holtz, so there's no need to compare the two.
Alberts was a very disappointing pro and a very unimpressive tv analyst. Lou Holtz has forgotten more about the game than Alberts will ever know. Good Riddence to a horrible, most unintelligent man.
Sylvester the cat (aka: Lou Holtz) can spit all over the mic all he wants, after they gave Trev the boot the show isn't worth watching.
I really hate Trev Alberts, but only because he bashed the Buckeyes all of the time for no good reason. I miss the bastard now that he is gone. Lou Holtz' lisp is just too much for me to bear...
Trev carried the show and Lou is a legend but in coaching and you can't understand him at all. ESPN made a mistake here and downgraded the team.
S. Doepke
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