His latest gig is selling a beverage that is being marketed as a health drink, appropriately titled "Rudy." Ruettiger's company caught a break earlier this week when it struck a deal with Collins Brothers, Inc., a distributor of non-alcoholic products based in Illinois. According to Michael Rothstein of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, the deal could put the drink into Walgreen's, CVS, Osco and Albertson's stores.
Despite the news, investors do not appear to be impressed. Stock of Ruettiger's publicly traded company closed Thursday at 50 cents a share. But that hasn't stopped Ruettiger from reportedly building a new home in the glitzy Southern Highlands Golf Club in Las Vegas.
Here is Rudy's play from the 1975 game against Georgia Tech. His sack comes at the 1:15 mark.
Is that video 1975 or 1945? Perhaps NFL films has set the bar too high.
Rudy was offsides
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