Kurt Streeter, Los Angeles Times: USC's Pete Carroll has been making midnight trips to L.A.'s toughest neighborhoods, including Watts' Jordan Downs, as part of the work he does with a foundation.
Pat Harty, Iowa City Press-Citizen: Iowa fans were caught by surprise at Saturday's spring game. Alcohol was prohibited from tailgating festivities.
Lorenzo Perez, Raleigh News & Observer: North Carolina State's sloppy monitoring of the College Inn, home to many "student-athletes," could have the school in violation of NCAA rules prohibiting varsity athletes from claiming 50% or more of any wing or floor of a residential building.
Bryan Mullen, Tennessean: Tennessee's Phillip Fulmer issued a warning to his players after spring practice. "I told them I don't want any darn phone calls at 2 o'clock in the morning about anything," Fulmer said. "I want to hear how well they behaved themselves."
Bill Koch, Cincinnati Enquirer: Quarterback Ben Mauk is hoping to find out this week if he will be able to return for a final season at Cincinnati.
Kyle Ringo, Boulder Daily Camera: The Colorado-Colorado State game will likely be moved to Sunday, Aug. 31, to give Denver officials time to regroup after the Democratic National Convention.
Michael DiRocco, Florida Times-Union: Urban Meyer, trying to fire up his troops for summer conditioning drills, said he will know whether his team can compete for a Southeastern Conference and national championship weeks before Florida starts fall practice.
Andrew Logue, Des Moines Register: Iowa State running back J.J. Bass, a senior, was suspended indefinitely from the team.
Andrew Dalton, Associated Press: A summit in California is helping to raise awareness about the seriousness of sports concussions.
Jeff McLane, Philadelphia Inquirer: Rape and sexual-assault charges against former Penn State running back Austin Scott were dropped.
George Hostetter, Fresno Bee: About two dozen Fresno State students are angry at being shut out of a meeting of campus leaders where the fate of a potential fee increase will be debated.
Bryant-Jon Anteola, Fresno Bee: Fresno State has completed a self-evaluation of its athletic department to renew its certification with the NCAA. You can access the evaluation by clicking here.
Pete Carroll visits the projects in Watts and Neuhiesal visits the NCAA Enforcement Division. Nuff said.